- Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- Log in or create a new account at Bitget
- Hover over the profile icon on the top right corner, then click API.
- Choose “Create API Key” > “System-generated API Key”.
- Key in your “Note”, which is note for this API.
- Key in your Passphrase (API token). *The passphrase is required to modify the API. Make sure to keep your passphrase safe. If you lose your passphrase, you will have to create a new API.*
- Check the box of “Permission” (Read-Write, Future Orders, Future Holdings, Spot Trade, and Margin Trade).
- Fill-in “Bind IP addresses” (Copy IP stated in LiveCopier).
- Click “Next”.
*Reminder: API Secret Key will only show once*
- Go to “Exchanges”, click “Add Exchange”, choose “BitGet”.
- Choose your exchange platform.
- Get your API Key & API Secret Key from the exchange platform.
*Reminder: Copy & paste the IP addresses in your exchange platform. API Passphrase must be kept properly.